The only Token that focusing on creating usage over creator profit.
HOMEMARS are develop only on one basis, which is to creating demand over supply of the token. For the past year we have seen lots of new token emerge in market, all of it are targeting on usage from their point of view with lots of ornaments to entertain those that see.
Expected to open whitelist on February 2022, HOMEMARS currently working hard to get as much merchant, service provider and trader even before start launching the token it self.
How does HOMEMARS works, at deploy the token will be divide into 4 section which is Presale + liquidity (locked 1 year), Partnerships (locked), Marketing reserve(locked) and Burn. The Tokenomic system in HOMEMARS has transaction tax 10% for both buy and selling the token, 1% will be sent to auto burn, 3% development & Marketing wallet, 2% liquidity pool and 4% will be distribute among all holder. The longer you hold more reflection you will received.
What’s making this token will be the next MARSing token, the dynamic partnership between the the service provider and the token it self. Those that join the HOMEMARS partnership program will receive 2% reward token from the service transaction they offer that come from the partnership wallet. HOMEMARS also will come out with their own NFT that will give not only royalty to the creator, it will also share the reflection among holder.
Since the main objective of the token are to replace fiat transaction, the tax fee will be reduce overtime to make it more convenience to use on daily basic and the best thing are HOMEMARS are on planning to move towards cheaper gas fee in future. 100% DOXXED team creating the only token that focusing on future daily use.